23 October 2008

Halloween Freak Out! Weird Movies, Music & Booze! Oct 29 NYC


Mort Todd invites you to a wild HALLOWEEN FREAK-OUT Party at SWEET & VICIOUS on Wednesday, October 29 in downtown New York City!

SEE: Weird movies you've NEVER seen before! Planned films include a pile of sinister 60s films like the Turkish SADISTIK film STRIP & KILL! The Japanese OGON BAT (GOLDEN BAT) starring Sonny Chiba! Clips from the SADISTIK documentary DIABOLIKAL SUPER-KRIMINAL along with SATANIK, DIABOLIK, KRIMINAL and FANTOMAS! Movies will be projected in the large backyard garden and TV monitors with captioning so you can...

Clip from the STRIP & KILL film!

HEAR: Strange music spun by DJs Cliff Mott and Mort Todd! Tunes will range from 60s garage rock, punk, cool movie soundtracks and terrifically terrifying monster music! Cliff and Mort have been DJing together for years as well as being infamous cartoonists who have worked on a variety of comics and CD covers.


DRINK: Odd cocktail concoctions created by an amazing alcohol alchemist! Special new drinks on a scary scale have been created to celebrate the unholy holiday of Halloween! During the Hellish Happy Hours of Midnight to 2 AM you can get $3 Sam Adams Oktoberfest Drafts, $4 Special Shots, $5 well drinks and other bombastic beverages!

Sweet & Vicious is located at 5 Spring Street in downtown Manhattan between the Bowery and Elizabeth Street. The fear fest begins Wednesday, October 29 at 9 PM!

More info at http://sweetandviciousnyc.com/

17 October 2008

New Graphic Novel DEATH DIAMONDS with Raquel Welch '66 Pin Ups!


The NEW Diabolikal Super-Kriminal Photo Novel!

A cache of hot sparklers triggers a bloodbath when the tenacious King of Crime plots to purloin them from a cadre of gangsters, hoodlums and scheming vixens!

And how are the Monte Carlo police able to track the every move of the Monster with 1000 Masks? A movie length photo novel with primal terror, murder, sex, and vicious duplicity!

Also includes articles on the history of the SADISTIK photo novels, behind the scenes info, and a vintage piece on Raquel Welch 1,966 A.D with pin-ups!.

SADISTIK 3: DEATH DIAMONDS! is an 176 page graphic novel digest with a $9.99 cover price. CLICK HERE to order! To Download FREE 16 Page PDF SNEAK PEEK CLICK HERE!

13 October 2008

FREE DIABOLIKAL SUPER-KRIMINAL Screening Oct 29 in Torino,Italy!

THE DIABOLIKAL SUPER-KRIMINAL Free Screening, Oct 29 10:30PM at the TO HORROR FILM FESTIVAL in Torino, Italy! Guests: Director SS-SUNDA, Producer ALESSANDRO ZANOTTI and Director of Photography ELISA MARITANO! Also Cover Gallery Display Exhibit! More info at www.tohorrorfilmfest.it

di SS-Sunda

Agli inizi degli anni ’60 un delitto avvenuto in questa città infiammò l’immaginazione del paese, anche perché l’assassino, rimasto impunito, spronò le forze dell’ordine ad acciuffarlo, proprio come Jack the Ripper quasi ottant’anni prima a Londra. E proprio come Jack la lettera di sfida conteneva una firma che sarebbe passata alla storia: Diabolik. Qualche anno dopo le sorelle Giussani sostituirono una K e crearono uno dei personaggi più longevi della fantasia italiana. Dalla fortuna di Diabolik nacquero negli anni seguenti una pletora di emulatori, dalle alterne fortune. Dal panorama fumettistico si distinse per la scelta del fotoromanzo e per l’audacia dei testi e delle immagini KILLING, ormai divenuto personaggio di culto.

In questo documentario l’autore analizza il personaggio e il milieu che lo ha generato, con interviste agli autori, ai fotografi, agli attori. Un piccolo viaggio nella rivoluzione dei costumi sessuali italiani degli anni del boom.
Mercoledì 29 ottobre ore 22 - CafèLiber
a seguire incontro con l’autore, il direttore della fotografia Elisa Maritano e il produttore Alessandro Zanotti


A corollario dell’evento video di apertura, Killing the Diabolikal Super-Kriminal, il ToHorrorFilmFest organizza, in collaborazione con Sinepathic Films e ComicFix una mostra di riproduzioni di alcune tra le più efficaci copertine originali della prima serie di Killing, nell’edizione italiana e nelle varie edizioni uscite nel mondo con titoli diversi.
Da Mercoledì 29 ottobre a Sabato 1 novembre – CafèLiber

07 October 2008


Beware North Americans! The DIABOLIKAL SUPER-KRIMINAL has invaded the continent and will have its first Canadian screening at the MANITOBA COMIC CON & SCI-FI EXPO, next Saturday, October 11th at 1 PM.

The DIABOLIKAL SUPER-KRIMINAL is, of course, the well-documented 100% True Secret Origin of the King of Crime, directed by SS-Sunda. The director rounded up the actors, actresses and production people behind the infamous photo comics for interviews, including the unmasking of the mystery actor who portrayed SADISTIK! An incredible overview of how 1960s Italian culture, politics and censorship affected films and the dark comics genre that SADISTIK sprang from!

Music video from the documentary entitled "Beware: SADISTIK!"

The Monster with 1000 Masks has had past brushes with Canada and censorship before! French language editions of the bi-weekly photo novels were distributed in Canada under the name SATANIK in 1966-67. However, the French government looked down on the risque adventures and banned the book after 19 issues!

The MANITOBA COMIC CON & SCI-FI EXPO is at the WINNIPEG CONVENTION CENTRE on 375 York Avenue in Winnipeg, Manitoba. See more info at http://manitobacomiccon.com/