13 September 2010

Meet MR. KRIME in French & English!

Amidst the historical turmoil of May, 1968, a sinister figure rose to exploit the pandemonium of the student riots and strikes of Paris. Mr KRIME had a grand scheme to take control of the French government and spread his power throughout the continent and ultimately the world! How his plot was thwarted is still a mystery... Just as his animatronic servants were about to strike, they malfunctioned and Mr KRIME disappeared off the face of the Earth! Now, learning from the mistakes of his father, the son of KRIME has adopted the original's name and quest for world domination, aided by an army of technologically advanced humanitrons in the guise of world leaders and masters of media.

The King of Chaos / le roi du chaos

Durant le tumulte de mai 1968, une sinistre figure s'est levée afin de tirer avantage du Pandémonium des émeutes étudiantes et des grèves parisiennes. M KRIME avait fomenté un plan *diabolique* afin de prendre le contrôle du Gouvernement Français pour ensuite s'en prendre à l'Europe, puis au monde entier! La manière dont ce plan fut contrecarré est encore un mystère... En effet, juste au moment où ses serviteurs animatroniques étaient prêts à frapper, ils tombèrent en panne... Et M KRIME disparut de la surface du globe! Fort des enseignements nés des erreurs de son père, le fils de KRIME a repris le flambeau de celui-ci. Le nouveau Krime entreprend de devenir le maître du monde à l'aide de son armée d'humanitrons, à la technologie avancée et ayant l'apparence des leaders mondiaux ainsi que celle des dirigeants des médias.

Flip Book in French & English! In dark contrast to America, Europe has a rich tradition of the super-villain as protagonist in popular culture. Beginning with Fantômas in France, an army of anti-heroes from the Phantom of the Opera and Dr. Mabuse to Diabolik and Sadistik, paraded around Europe in pulp, novels, film and comics. Following in those shadowy footsteps rises the spectre of Mr KRIME, the King of Chaos!

Les Etats Unis ont développé le mythe du super héros...L'Europe celui du super-vilain! De Fantômas, au fantôme de l’opéra, en passant par le monstre de Frankenstein, du docteur Mabuse ou encore Diabolik et Sadistik les super-vilains ont paradé à travers le vieux continent dans les romans de gare, les films, les bandes dessinées et même le roman-photo. Poursuivant cette sombre lignée, voici que surgit le spectre de M. KRIME, le roi du chaos!

Standard Color Comic, 12 pages, $4.99

Click on the Cover Image or HERE to See More Images or Order This Comic
NOTE: Comic Printed and Order Fulfilment by IndyPlanet.com

Mr. Krime TM and ©Jean-Emmanuel Deluxe & Mort Todd. All rights reserved.

10 September 2010

First Edition Still Available... For Now!

SADISTIK The Diabolikal Super-Kriminal

SADISTIK 1: Monster with a 1000 Masks!

With changes in store for SADISTIK and publisher Comicfix, the first editions of these cult classic photo novels will soon be out of print. As the old Sadistik website is folded into the Comicfix website and with address changes, the original print run will no longer be available and replaced with a new second edition. Scroll to the bottom of this page to download a FREE 14 page PDF preview of SADISTIK: Monster with a 1000 Masks!

SADISTIK The Diabolikal Super-Kriminal

Featuring the SADISTIK photo novel: MONSTER WITH A 1000 MASKS!
The first recorded criminal exploit of the King of Crime, SADISTIK! A decadent Prince visiting America has a hidden treasure and is targeted by the Imperceptible One… but he has to do it while juggling the Police, murderous vixens and Soviet Agents!

Includes articles and odd facts about the Man of a 1000 Masks, his creators and the actors, luridly illustrated!

A Top Secret Dossier on the evolution of the European Super Criminals, photo novels and the creation of SADISTIK!

The only woman able to handle the passion of SADISTIK; DANA as portrayed by actress Luciana Paoli. Rare vintage pin ups plus article and complete filmography.

You solve the crime in this weird piece of picto-fiction from the original 1966 issue.

190 page Photo Graphic Novel $9.99

SADISTIK The Diabolikal Super-Kriminal

NOTE: Comic Printed and Order Fulfilment by Comixpress.com