21 February 2011
New Italian SADISTIK Mini-Series "Crime & Drugs!"
The FIRST new SADISTIK series in Italian since the 1970s is being released from E.F. Edizoni.
Thanks to the interest provoked from the incredible documentary film, THE DIABOLIKAL SUPER-KRIMINAL (winner of the prize of the public to the Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest 2007 and now out on DVD in Italy), SADISTIK returns to Italy, after more than 40 years! The best example of sexy comic-noir-splatter in the world; the original KILLING, the King of the Crime, now known under the international appellate SADISTIK! A Deluxe Miniseries of 3 issues titled "CRIME AND DRUGS!", printed in limited edition, with new and astonishing dialogue by MORT TODD & SS-SUNDA. Do not miss these 3 remarkable rich adventures of "sex, drugs, crime and violence" with your protagonists, the psychopathic SADISTIK and his dear and bloodthirsty companion DANA...
Grazie all'interesse suscitato dall'incredibile film-documentario THE DIABOLIKAL SUPER-KRIMINAL (vincitore del premio del pubblico al Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest 2007), e ad un accordo editoriale tra la E.F. Edizioni e la COMICFIX di New York, torna in Italia, dopo più di quarant'anni, il migliore esempio di fotoromanzo sexy-noir-splatter al mondo: KILLING il Re del Crimine, ora rinominato con il più accattivante ed internazionale appellativo SADISTIK! Una Miniserie Deluxe di 3 albi intitolata "CRIMINE E DROGA!", stampata in edizione limitata, con un nuova e stupefacente stesura dialoghi di MORT TODD & SS-SUNDA. Non perdete quindi queste 3 formidabili avventure ricche di "sesso, droga, crimine e violenza" con protagonisti lo psicopatico SADISTIK e la sua amata e sanguinaria compagna DANA...
Thanks to the interest provoked from the incredible documentary film, THE DIABOLIKAL SUPER-KRIMINAL (winner of the prize of the public to the Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest 2007 and now out on DVD in Italy), SADISTIK returns to Italy, after more than 40 years! The best example of sexy comic-noir-splatter in the world; the original KILLING, the King of the Crime, now known under the international appellate SADISTIK! A Deluxe Miniseries of 3 issues titled "CRIME AND DRUGS!", printed in limited edition, with new and astonishing dialogue by MORT TODD & SS-SUNDA. Do not miss these 3 remarkable rich adventures of "sex, drugs, crime and violence" with your protagonists, the psychopathic SADISTIK and his dear and bloodthirsty companion DANA...
Grazie all'interesse suscitato dall'incredibile film-documentario THE DIABOLIKAL SUPER-KRIMINAL (vincitore del premio del pubblico al Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest 2007), e ad un accordo editoriale tra la E.F. Edizioni e la COMICFIX di New York, torna in Italia, dopo più di quarant'anni, il migliore esempio di fotoromanzo sexy-noir-splatter al mondo: KILLING il Re del Crimine, ora rinominato con il più accattivante ed internazionale appellativo SADISTIK! Una Miniserie Deluxe di 3 albi intitolata "CRIMINE E DROGA!", stampata in edizione limitata, con un nuova e stupefacente stesura dialoghi di MORT TODD & SS-SUNDA. Non perdete quindi queste 3 formidabili avventure ricche di "sesso, droga, crimine e violenza" con protagonisti lo psicopatico SADISTIK e la sua amata e sanguinaria compagna DANA...
comic books,
diabolikal super kriminal,
E.F. Edizioni,
mort todd,
photo comic,
15 February 2011
Liv Tyler's Acting Debut... and the SADISTIK Connection!
Mort Todd, writer of the SADISTIK photo novels, has been professionally involved in comics since he was a teenager, and became Editor-in-Chief of Cracked Magazine at 23. He quickly turned the title from a fifth-rate Mad imitation to a third-rate one.
Almost 20 years before he started publishing SADISTIK, the premier photo comic, Mort dabbled in the medium at Cracked. Nanny Dickering was a long-running strip in the magazine, most notably drawn by the legendary King of Pin-Ups, cartoonist Bill Ward. Nanny would do satiric interviews with the "Kings" of various industries (from skateboards to hamburgers, along with celebrities) and Mort got it in his head to create a photo comic based on the feature.
Who better to portray Nanny than an actual former Playboy Playmate? Model and musician Bebe Buell was essayed to play the role of the voluptuous Cracked interviewer and Mort himself played the role of the "Rock Video King." The photos were shot by Kevin McMahon, a talented TV director and producer who went on to produce TV series for such icons as Howard Stern, Jackie Mason and Geraldo Rivera (he was there when Geraldo got his nose busted)!
The cover to Cracked Collectors' Edition #69 featuring the photo comic with Mort Todd (as the Rock Video King) and Bebe Buell as Nanny Dickering.
One of the characters was portrayed by musician Charles E. Hall, who went on to record the revered "Beware: Sadistik!" theme song used in The Diabolikal Super-Kriminal film about the King of Crime. The song is also used for the Kickstarter Sadistik animation video that just premiered.
Most interestingly, the photo comic also showcased the media premiere of future blockbuster movie star Liv Tyler! Long before Lord of the Rings and other memorable feature films, Bebe's daughter Liv made her debut in a cameo as a secretary in a Cracked magazine photo comic!
The photo comic appeared in Cracked Collectors' Edition #69 and is perhaps one of the only issue of Cracked Collectors' Edition to live up to its title! All involved in the Cracked production have gone on to greater things and made their mark on the entertainment world. Mort is currently releasing the SADISTIK photo novels and neck-deep in the production of the SADISTIK animated series. He has worked with many celebrities in the past and is drawing many of them together today to create voices for the project.
Soon, the earth-shattering announcement of the revered pop legend selected to do the voice of SADISTIK will be revealed and it will rock your world! Watch the video and see if you can guess who it is! And after you watch it, why not pledge a sum from $1 and up to the production and receive a Diabolikal Reward? You can get items from comics to T-Shirts, DVDs and original art from the series for your participation! Check it out at Kickstarter now!
Almost 20 years before he started publishing SADISTIK, the premier photo comic, Mort dabbled in the medium at Cracked. Nanny Dickering was a long-running strip in the magazine, most notably drawn by the legendary King of Pin-Ups, cartoonist Bill Ward. Nanny would do satiric interviews with the "Kings" of various industries (from skateboards to hamburgers, along with celebrities) and Mort got it in his head to create a photo comic based on the feature.
Who better to portray Nanny than an actual former Playboy Playmate? Model and musician Bebe Buell was essayed to play the role of the voluptuous Cracked interviewer and Mort himself played the role of the "Rock Video King." The photos were shot by Kevin McMahon, a talented TV director and producer who went on to produce TV series for such icons as Howard Stern, Jackie Mason and Geraldo Rivera (he was there when Geraldo got his nose busted)!

One of the characters was portrayed by musician Charles E. Hall, who went on to record the revered "Beware: Sadistik!" theme song used in The Diabolikal Super-Kriminal film about the King of Crime. The song is also used for the Kickstarter Sadistik animation video that just premiered.
Most interestingly, the photo comic also showcased the media premiere of future blockbuster movie star Liv Tyler! Long before Lord of the Rings and other memorable feature films, Bebe's daughter Liv made her debut in a cameo as a secretary in a Cracked magazine photo comic!
The photo comic appeared in Cracked Collectors' Edition #69 and is perhaps one of the only issue of Cracked Collectors' Edition to live up to its title! All involved in the Cracked production have gone on to greater things and made their mark on the entertainment world. Mort is currently releasing the SADISTIK photo novels and neck-deep in the production of the SADISTIK animated series. He has worked with many celebrities in the past and is drawing many of them together today to create voices for the project.
Soon, the earth-shattering announcement of the revered pop legend selected to do the voice of SADISTIK will be revealed and it will rock your world! Watch the video and see if you can guess who it is! And after you watch it, why not pledge a sum from $1 and up to the production and receive a Diabolikal Reward? You can get items from comics to T-Shirts, DVDs and original art from the series for your participation! Check it out at Kickstarter now!
07 February 2011
Support the SADISTIK Strip & Kill Animated Series and get Rewarded!
As many may know, Mort Todd has been developing a wild animated series based on SADISTIK, the Diabolikal Super Kriminal! Now production has begun and YOU can be involved and get rewarded!
Working with Kickstarter, Mort's company Comicfix is raising funds and if you pledge as little as $1, you get something out of it; from copies of the screenplay, comics, DVDs and original art to Executive Producer credit! Payments are handled through Amazon, so even though you're dealing with a Super-Kriminal, you know it's super legit!
Watch the animation teaser and Mort Todd's discussion of the series at Kickstarter and donate if you can. If you can't, tell your millionaire friends about it!
Perhaps most exciting is the personality who has agreed to portray the voice of Sadistik... In the weeks to come his identity will be revealed, but for now we can say it is an internationally known pop star that has the necessary raw power to play the role!
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